
How to add a custom element to a Next.js/Typescript project?

question typescript react
Ram Patra Published on September 28, 2024

Let’s say I have a custom element setapp-badge that I want to use in my tsx files. If I go ahead and use it, the compiler will throw an error and Next.js will fail to build. It seems the problem might be a combination of how Next.js, TypeScript, and custom elements work together. Therefore, let’s try an approach that avoids the namespace/module issues while ensuring custom elements are recognized in a Next.js/TypeScript project.

Using @types/react Augmentation and Ensuring Proper Recognition of Custom Elements

Instead of extending JSX.IntrinsicElements or HTMLElementTagNameMap, we will focus on properly extending the React types for custom elements directly in a way that Next.js can handle.

Step 1: Ensure TypeScript Knows the Custom Element

Place the following in a file, say custom-elements.d.ts in the root or src/types/:

// custom-elements.d.ts
declare namespace JSX {
  interface IntrinsicElements {
    'setapp-badge': {
      appId: string;
      vendorId: string;
      theme: string;

Why this should work

  1. Declaring IntrinsicElements within the JSX namespace directly ensures Next.js and TypeScript treat setapp-badge as a valid intrinsic element.
  2. No use of declare module or namespace: We avoid augmenting the React module itself, which seems to be the root of the issue.

Step 2: Verify tsconfig.json Includes the Declarations

Ensure your tsconfig.json file includes the declaration file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // other options
  "include": [

Step 3: Use setapp-badge in Your JSX

Now you can use your custom element in any .tsx file like this:

<setapp-badge appId="401" vendorId="285" theme="dark"></setapp-badge>

Key Benefits

  • Avoids ESLint Issues: This solution does not trigger the @typescript-eslint/no-namespace rule since we’re not using namespace or declare module.
  • Simple IntrinsicElements Extension: We’re directly extending JSX.IntrinsicElements, which is allowed in TypeScript and recognized by Next.js.
  • Next.js Friendly: No need for advanced or experimental TypeScript configurations.

This approach avoids the problems we’ve encountered before and directly adds the custom element to JSX without creating issues with Next.js.

Why other solutions might fail

  • declare module/namespace: Next.js might not handle these well in TypeScript configurations, leading to the errors.
  • Next.js JSX handling: By extending JSX.IntrinsicElements directly within a declare namespace JSX, we avoid Next.js misinterpreting the custom element.

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Ram Patra Published on September 28, 2024
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