
Hello World!

Ram Patra Published on November 28, 2018
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Hey there! This is the first post of my tiny little blog––my space in the perpetually growing internet––where I can ramble on about whatever I feel like. Well, there’s Twitter and Medium but I cannot ramble on there because of its 140 character limit or other terms and conditions :)

Now, if you don’t want to Netflix but wonder what this blog will be about then read on.

I currently work as a Lead Software Engineer at Mastercard R&D Labs in Blockchain (Ethereum) and the main tech stack I’ve worked on so far in my career is mostly Java, Spring, Solidity, Jekyll, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Docker, Azure/AWS, etc. so my posts are expected to be around these topics. Having said that, I do like to solve questions on Leetcode from time to time so I would also be posting my solutions and explanations here. I may also write my interview experiences at different companies too. And, apart from tech, I would write reviews about the gadgets or services I use. Last but not least, I may write posts about the apps or projects I’ve made, describing how to use them, their features, etc.

I hope my content helps you in whatever cool thing you’re working on. Keep going and I wish you luck.

If you like this site, you can start reading about how I made my blog. Also, if you wish, you can subscribe to my feed to stay abreast of my latest projects.

Ram Patra Published on November 28, 2018
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