
How to make Color conform to RawRepresentable in SwiftUI in macOS?

question swift macOS
Ram Patra Published on October 29, 2023

For various reasons you may want to convert the Color type to a String. And, below is a relatively cleaner way to do it.

import SwiftUI

extension Color: RawRepresentable {
    public init(rawValue: String) {
        guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: rawValue) else {
            self = .gray
        do {
            let color = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NSColor.self, from: data) ?? .gray
            self = Color(color)
        } catch {
            self = .gray
    public var rawValue: String {
        do {
            let data = try NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: NSColor(self), requiringSecureCoding: false) as Data
            return data.base64EncodedString()
        } catch {
            return ""

You can use it like:

var rawColor: String = Color.blue.rawValue
var someColor: Color = Color(rawValue: rawColor)

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Ram Patra Published on October 29, 2023
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