
How to zoom in and zoom out a SwiftUI view?

question swiftui swift
Ram Patra Published on October 7, 2024

In a macOS or iOS app, you can easily add a zoom feature to any SwiftUI view with the scaleEffect modifier. In the below example, I am using a Slider to control the zoom level. Here’s how you can implement zooming in and out with a slider:

Example with Slider to Zoom:

import SwiftUI

struct ZoomableView: View {
    @State private var scale: CGFloat = 1.0
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Use Slider to Zoom")
                .scaleEffect(scale) // Apply the scale effect

            Slider(value: $scale, in: 0.5...3.0, step: 0.1) {
                Text("Zoom Level")
        .frame(width: 400, height: 300)

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

struct MyApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {


  • scaleEffect(scale): This applies the zoom to the view based on the scale value.
  • Slider(value: $scale, in: 0.5...3.0, step: 0.1): The slider allows zoom control, where the zoom level ranges between 0.5x (zoom out) to 3.0x (zoom in). You can adjust this range as needed.
  • step: 0.1: Defines how finely the slider adjusts the scale.

This setup gives you a smooth zoom experience using the slider in a macOS or iOS app. I have shown the zoom on a Text view but you can use this technique with other SwiftUI views too.


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Ram Patra Published on October 7, 2024
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