
Inheritance and Overriding in Solidity

question solidity blockchain
Ram Patra Published on August 16, 2024

In Solidity, overriding allows a derived (child) contract to modify or extend the behavior of functions defined in a base (parent) contract. This is a key feature in object-oriented programming and enables the implementation of polymorphism, where a child contract can provide a specific implementation of a function defined in the parent contract.

Key Concepts of Function Overriding in Solidity

  1. Inheritance: Overriding is closely tied to inheritance. When a contract inherits from another, it can override its functions.
  2. Virtual and Override Keywords: Solidity uses the virtual and override keywords to control and enable function overriding.

How Overriding Works

1. virtual Keyword:

  • The virtual keyword must be applied to a function in a base contract to indicate that it can be overridden by derived contracts.

2. override Keyword:

  • The override keyword is used in the derived contract to indicate that a function is intentionally overriding a virtual function from the base contract.

Example of Function Overriding

pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

// Base Contract
contract Base {
    function greet() public virtual returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Base!";

// Derived Contract
contract Derived is Base {
    // Overriding the greet function
    function greet() public override returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Derived!";

In this example:

  • The Base contract defines a greet function marked as virtual, meaning it can be overridden.
  • The Derived contract overrides the greet function using the override keyword.

Rules and Considerations for Overriding

  1. Virtual Functions Must Be Marked:
    • A function in the base contract must be marked as virtual to be overridden by derived contracts.
  2. Override Must Match Signature:
    • The function in the derived contract must match the signature (name, parameters, and visibility) of the function it is overriding. If the function’s signature changes, it will not be considered an override but a new function.
  3. Multiple Inheritance and Super:
    • Solidity supports multiple inheritance, which can lead to complex scenarios where multiple base contracts define the same function. The override keyword is also used to handle such cases, and you can use super to call the parent function.

Example of Multiple Inheritance and Overriding

pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

contract A {
    function foo() public virtual returns (string memory) {
        return "A";

contract B is A {
    function foo() public virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return "B";

contract C is A, B {
    function foo() public override(A, B) returns (string memory) {
        return super.foo();  // Calls B's foo function

In this example:

  • Contract C inherits from both A and B.
  • Since both A and B define a foo function, C must specify which foo it overrides using override(A, B).
  • The super.foo() call in C refers to B’s foo function because B is the most derived contract in the inheritance chain.


  • Overriding allows derived contracts to provide a specific implementation of a function defined in a base contract.
  • virtual must be used in the base contract to allow overriding.
  • override must be used in the derived contract to specify that the function is overriding a base function.
  • Multiple inheritance requires explicit use of override with the contract names and may require the use of super to handle parent function calls.

By properly using overriding, you can create flexible and extendable smart contracts with well-defined behavior across inherited contracts.


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Ram Patra Published on August 16, 2024
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