
@Published in SwiftUI

question swiftui swift
Ram Patra Published on August 31, 2024

In SwiftUI, the @Published property wrapper is used in combination with the ObservableObject protocol to automatically announce changes to properties of a class. This allows SwiftUI views that depend on these properties to update automatically when the data changes.

Here’s how @Published works:

  1. Declaration: When you mark a property with @Published, you’re indicating that changes to this property should be observed.

  2. ObservableObject: The class containing @Published properties must conform to the ObservableObject protocol. This protocol allows the class to broadcast that a property has changed.

  3. View Updates: Views that use this ObservableObject can observe changes by using the @ObservedObject or @StateObject property wrappers. When a @Published property changes, any view that depends on it will automatically re-render.


import SwiftUI
import Combine

class UserSettings: ObservableObject {
    @Published var username: String = "Anonymous"

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var settings = UserSettings()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Hello, \(settings.username)!")
            Button("Change Username") {
                settings.username = "New Username"

Key Points

  • Automatic Updates: When settings.username changes, the ContentView automatically updates to reflect the new username.
  • Publisher: @Published creates a publisher for the property, allowing subscribers (like views) to react to changes.
  • Combine Integration: Behind the scenes, @Published integrates with the Combine framework, leveraging its capabilities to handle changes in data streams.

In essence, @Published is a way to bind data in a way that ensures the UI remains in sync with the underlying data model.


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Ram Patra Published on August 31, 2024
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