In Solidity, omitting the name of a function parameter does not have any effect on gas costs. The primary benefit is related to code clarity and development efficiency, rather than performance.
Reasons for Omitting Parameter Names
- Unused Parameters:
- Sometimes, you may have a function signature that needs to conform to a specific interface or you want to provide a generic function with multiple parameters, but you don’t need to use all of them within the function body. In such cases, you can omit the name of an unused parameter to indicate that it’s intentionally not used.
- Code Clarity:
- Omitting the name of a parameter explicitly shows that it is not needed, which can make the code cleaner and easier to understand. It signals to other developers that this parameter is required by the function signature but has no effect on the function’s logic.
- Avoiding Compiler Warnings:
- If you name a parameter but don’t use it, the Solidity compiler will generate a warning about the unused variable. Omitting the name avoids this warning.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
contract C {
// Omitting the name for the second parameter since it is not used
function func(uint k, uint) public pure returns(uint) {
return k; // Only 'k' is used in the function body
Impact on Gas Costs
- No Gas Savings: Omitting a parameter name has no impact on gas costs. The gas cost of a function call depends on the operations performed inside the function, not on the presence or absence of parameter names.
- Code Optimization: The Solidity compiler optimizes the bytecode, and unused parameters are simply ignored during execution. The absence of a name doesn’t change the compiled bytecode significantly.
When to Use This Practice
- Interface Compliance: When implementing an interface or inheriting a function from a parent contract where not all parameters are needed.
- Generic Functions: When you create a generic function that takes multiple parameters, but the current implementation only requires a subset.
Omitting a parameter name is a way to improve code readability and avoid compiler warnings when the parameter is not needed. It does not reduce gas costs, as gas consumption is determined by the operations performed during function execution, not by the naming of parameters.