question typescript July 28, 2024 Interface vs Type alias in Typescript with some real-world examples showing when to use what

In TypeScript, both interface and type alias can be used to define the shape of an object. However, there are some differences and nuances between them. Here are the key differences:

question typescript July 28, 2024 How to pass a generic JSON object as a parameter to a method in TypeScript?

If you want to allow any JSON object without specifying its structure, you can use the object type, Record<string, any>, or simply any. However, each approach has its own implications for type safety and flexibility.

question typescript July 28, 2024 How to create a JSON Object in Typescript?

Creating a JSON object in TypeScript is similar to how you would create one in JavaScript. Here are the steps you can follow:

question nextjs front-end July 21, 2024 How to fix Next.js generating Open Graph images with localhost in the url?

This happens when you have not set the metadata properly. Just make sure you have set the metadataBase property like below:export const metadata = { metadataBase: new URL('https://rampatra.com'), // other configs}Learn more from the official docs.

question typescript July 20, 2024 How to filter an Array based on a condition in Typescript?

Filtering an array based on a condition in TypeScript is straightforward and similar to how you would do it in JavaScript. TypeScript adds type safety to the process, ensuring that your code is more robust and less error-prone.

question typescript July 20, 2024 How to filter a Map based on a condition in Typescript?

In TypeScript, you can filter a Map based on a condition using the Map’s built-in methods along with some of JavaScript’s array methods. Since Map is iterable, you can convert it to an array, apply the filter, and then convert it back to a Map. Here’s how you can do it:

question nextjs react July 19, 2024 How to get the current path in Next.js?

To get the current path in a Next.js application, you can use the usePathname hook from next/navigation module. This hook allows you to access the current pathname within your components. Here’s how you can use it:

question networking linux July 19, 2024 How to fetch the nameservers of a domain?

To get the nameservers of a domain, you can use the nslookup or dig command-line tools. Both are available on most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. On Windows, nslookup is available by default.

question nextjs react July 18, 2024 How to programmatically navigate to a page in Next.js?

In Next.js, you can programmatically navigate to different pages using the useRouter hook from the next/navigation module. This hook provides a convenient way to navigate between pages within your Next.js application. Below is an example demonstrating how to use the useRouter hook to programmatically navigate to another page.

question typescript javascript July 17, 2024 Difference between ?? and || in Typescript or Javascript?

In TypeScript (and JavaScript), the ?? (nullish coalescing operator) and || (logical OR operator) are both used to provide default values, but they behave differently in terms of the conditions under which they return the right-hand operand.

question linux July 15, 2024 20 most used Linux commands to troubleshoot issues

Using the below commands effectively allows for comprehensive troubleshooting and monitoring of a Linux system, helping to quickly identify and resolve issues.

question nextjs react July 11, 2024 How to set environment variable in a Nextjs App and when to use NEXT_PUBLIC prefix?

Setting environment variables in a Next.js app is straightforward. Next.js supports loading environment variables from .env files. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set and use environment variables in your Next.js application:

question nextjs react July 9, 2024 How to define an enum in Typescript and use it in a Next.js app?

Creating an enum in TypeScript within a Next.js project is straightforward. Enums in TypeScript allow you to define a set of named constants that can be used to represent a collection of related values. Here’s how you can create and use an enum in a Next.js application:

question nextjs react July 9, 2024 How to create global types in Typescript in a Next.js app?

The env.d.ts file is typically used for global type declarations, especially for environment variables and other globally available types. This file is automatically included in the TypeScript compilation if it’s referenced in tsconfig.json.

question nextjs react July 9, 2024 How to create custom types in Typescript in a Next.js app?

Declaring custom types in TypeScript for a Next.js application involves creating type definitions that can be used across your project to ensure type safety and better code management. Here are the steps to declare and use custom types in a Next.js app: