January 31, 2020 How to make a Slack Bot in Java

We will be using JBot––a tiny Java Framework––to develop a Slack Bot within minutes.

November 28, 2019 How to make a Wedding Website for free

I made this website for my wedding in November 2017 and thought of open-sourcing it on my 1st anniversary. I honestly had put a good amount of time developing it so reckoned this effort may help others save some of their time. Hope you guys like it.

November 28, 2019 How to make a Facebook Bot in Java

We will be using JBot––a tiny Java Framework––to develop a Facebook Bot.

November 28, 2019 How I made my blog

I made this blog using JAMStack. J stands for Javascript, A for APIs, and M for Markups. So, in short, a website built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript only and maybe accessing some APIs over HTTP can be said to be built with JAMStack and are generally called Static Websites.

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