
How to open the Settings view in a SwiftUI app on macOS 14.0 (Sonoma)?

question swiftui swift
Ram Patra Published on September 30, 2023

In macOS 14.0 (Sonoma), Apple removed support for NSApp.sendAction to open the Settings view in your SwiftUI app. You now have to use SettingsLink like below:

if #available(macOS 14.0, *) { // open Settings view on macOS 14.0+
    SettingsLink {
        HStack {
            Image(systemName: "gearshape")
} else { // open Settings view on macOS 13.0
    Button {
        NSApp.sendAction(Selector(("showSettingsWindow:")), to: nil, from: nil)
    } label: {
        HStack {
            Image(systemName: "gearshape")

And, if you want to support even older versions of macOS, you have to add one more if condition and open the Settings view like below:

NSApp.sendAction(Selector(("showPreferencesWindow:")), to: nil, from: nil)

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Ram Patra Published on September 30, 2023
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