
How to change the cursor to a hand when hovering over a Link View in SwiftUI?

question swiftui
Ram Patra Published on October 13, 2023
import SwiftUI

extension Link {
    func pointingHandCursor() -> some View {
        self.onHover { inside in
            if inside {
            } else {

In this code, we’ve created an extension for Link called pointingHandCursor() that sets the cursor behavior. You can use this extension to apply the cursor change to any Link in your SwiftUI views, making it more convenient to use in your app like below:

Link(destination: URL(string: "https://www.example.com")!) {
    Text("Visit Example.com")
.pointingHandCursor() // Use the extension to set the cursor to a hand

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Ram Patra Published on October 13, 2023
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