
What is module inside compilerOptions in tsconfig.json and what to use?

question typescript javascript
Ram Patra Published on August 11, 2024

The module option inside compilerOptions in the tsconfig.json file of a TypeScript project specifies the module code generation system that the TypeScript compiler should use when emitting JavaScript. This option determines how the TypeScript code will be transformed into JavaScript modules, affecting how modules are loaded, interpreted, and linked in the resulting JavaScript code.

Here’s a breakdown of its meaning and usage:

Available Module Options

  1. commonjs: This option generates code that uses the CommonJS module system, which is typically used in Node.js environments. It requires the use of require and module.exports.

  2. amd: Stands for Asynchronous Module Definition, and is used in environments where modules are loaded asynchronously, such as in browsers with RequireJS.

  3. system: Generates code for the SystemJS module loader. It supports dynamic module loading.

  4. umd: UMD stands for Universal Module Definition, which is a module format that works both in Node.js and browser environments. It combines both CommonJS and AMD to support both module systems.

  5. es6 or es2015 (and later): Generates ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) module syntax. This option is used when you want to output native ES6 module code using import and export statements. Options like es2020, es2021, etc., follow the same pattern but allow for more recent syntax.

  6. esnext: This targets the latest ECMAScript standard available. It will produce the most current syntax available, which might not be fully supported by all environments without transpilation.

  7. none: Suppresses any module code generation. This option can be used if you’re not working with modules, which is rare for most modern JavaScript projects.

Example Usage

Here is an example of a tsconfig.json file with the module option set to commonjs:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",          // Specifies ECMAScript target version
    "module": "commonjs",     // Specifies module code generation
    "strict": true,           // Enable all strict type-checking options
    "esModuleInterop": true,  // Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules
    "outDir": "./dist"        // Redirects output structure to the directory
  "include": ["src/**/*"],
  "exclude": ["node_modules", "**/*.spec.ts"]

Choosing the Right Module System

  • Node.js Projects: CommonJS (commonjs) is typically used for Node.js applications, but if you’re targeting a more modern version of Node.js that supports ES modules, you might opt for es6 or later.

  • Web Applications: For front-end applications, especially those using modern JavaScript frameworks or bundlers like Webpack or Rollup, using es6 or esnext might be more appropriate to take advantage of tree-shaking and other optimizations.

  • Libraries: If you’re building a library that might be consumed in various environments, umd is often a good choice as it maximizes compatibility.

  • Asynchronous Module Loading: Use amd if you need to support environments that require asynchronous loading, though it’s less common with modern build tools.


  • Compatibility: Choose a module system that is compatible with the environment where your code will run. For example, older browsers may not support ES6 modules without transpilation.

  • Tooling: Consider the build tools and package managers you are using. Some tools have specific requirements or recommendations for module formats.

  • Future-proofing: If your target environments support ES6 modules, it’s a good practice to use es6 or esnext to make use of the latest JavaScript features and optimizations.

By configuring the module option appropriately, you ensure that your TypeScript code is compiled into a format that matches your project’s deployment and execution requirements.


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Ram Patra Published on August 11, 2024
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