
Different ways to compare strings in Swift

question swift
Ram Patra Published on November 17, 2023

Comparing two strings in Swift is straightforward and can be done using the equality operator ==. This operator checks if two strings are exactly the same in terms of their characters and the order in which these characters appear.

Here’s an example:

let string1 = "Hello"
let string2 = "World"
let string3 = "Hello"

let areStringsEqual1 = string1 == string2  // This will be false
let areStringsEqual2 = string1 == string3  // This will be true

In this example:

  • areStringsEqual1 evaluates to false because "Hello" and "World" are different strings.
  • areStringsEqual2 evaluates to true because both string1 and string3 are "Hello".

Case-Insensitive Comparison

If you want to compare strings in a case-insensitive manner (where “hello” is considered equal to “Hello”), you can use the lowercased() or uppercased() method on both strings before comparing:

let areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive = string1.lowercased() == string2.lowercased()

Locale-Sensitive Comparison

For locale-sensitive comparisons, where the comparison takes the user’s language and region settings into account (important in some languages), use localizedStandardCompare:

let comparisonResult = string1.localizedStandardCompare(string2) == .orderedSame

This method compares strings according to the rules of the current locale, which is typically the user’s locale.


String comparison in Swift is versatile and can be adapted to different needs, whether you require a simple equality check or a more complex, locale-aware comparison.

Ram Patra Published on November 17, 2023
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