October 17, 2024 Show your screen and your face at the same time on macOS

In today’s world of remote work and digital content creation, engaging your audience has never been more important. Whether you’re giving a presentation, conducting a tutorial, or recording a demo, adding a personal touch can make all the difference. That’s where FaceScreen comes in. This innovative macOS app allows you to open up your camera view in Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode, enabling you to show both your screen and your face simultaneously.

question swiftui swift October 7, 2024 How to zoom in and zoom out a SwiftUI view?

In a macOS or iOS app, you can easily add a zoom feature to any SwiftUI view with the scaleEffect modifier. In the below example, I am using a Slider to control the zoom level. Here’s how you can implement zooming in and out with a slider:

question xcode apple October 1, 2024 xcrun: error: unable to find utility simctl, not a developer tool or in PATH

The error message you’re encountering indicates that the simctl utility is not recognized, which usually means that your command line tools are not properly configured or that the path to Xcode’s command line tools is not set correctly. Here are steps to resolve this issue:

question xcode apple September 30, 2024 Destinations vs Targets in Xcode and when to use which

In Xcode, destinations and targets serve different purposes. Here’s a breakdown of when to use each:

question app-store mac-app-store September 29, 2024 How to add a bullet point in app descriptions for the Mac App Store?

To add a bullet point (•) in app descriptions for the Mac App Store, follow these steps:

question typescript react September 28, 2024 How to add a custom element to a Next.js/Typescript project?

Let’s say I have a custom element setapp-badge that I want to use in my tsx files. If I go ahead and use it, the compiler will throw an error and Next.js will fail to build. It seems the problem might be a combination of how Next.js, TypeScript, and custom elements work together. Therefore, let’s try an approach that avoids the namespace/module issues while ensuring custom elements are recognized in a Next.js/TypeScript project.

question css front-end September 22, 2024 How to scroll smoothly to any section of the page with just one line of css?

To enable smooth scrolling when clicking an <a> tag in any website, you can add the below CSS code. If you want all anchor links to scroll smoothly, you can do so by applying the scroll-behavior property in your global CSS.

question devtips git September 22, 2024 How to upload large files to a git repository?

By default, you cannot upload files larger than ~100MB (for most Git hosting service providers). If you do so, the git push command will fail with an error. The recommended way to work with large files is to use Git LFS.

question tailwind front-end September 19, 2024 How to create a tooltip with just Tailwind CSS (no libraries)?

This blog post shows you how you can create a simple tooltip with some text in it that shows up on hover. This solution only utilises the classes available in TailwindCSS. It doesn’t depend on any 3rd party libraries.

question react tailwindcss September 19, 2024 A simple React Tooltip component that uses TailwindCSS only (no libraries)

Here’s a React component that allows you to attach the tooltip to any element by passing it as a child. The component will render the tooltip and an arrow pointing downward.

question swift macos September 15, 2024 How to open macOS System Settings (or a specific pane) programmatically with Swift?

To programmatically open a specific pane in System Settings (formerly System Preferences) like “Privacy & Security > Camera” on macOS using SwiftUI, you can leverage the NSWorkspace class to open specific preference panes using URL schemes.

question swiftui swift September 13, 2024 How to add a character limit to a TextField in SwiftUI?

To add a character length limit to a TextField in SwiftUI, you can use a combination of Swift’s .onChange, .onPasteCommand modifier, and string manipulation to limit the number of characters the user can enter.

question swiftui swift September 8, 2024 How to make Squircle shape in SwiftUI and how to easily convert it to a circle or a rectangle?

To create a squircle shape (a combination of a square and a circle, also known as a superellipse) in SwiftUI, you can define a custom shape by conforming to the Shape protocol and implementing the superellipse formula. The formula for a superellipse is:

question swiftui swift September 8, 2024 How to loop through an enum in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, looping through an enum is not directly possible without some extra work because enums in Swift don’t inherently support iteration. However, you can achieve this by making the enum CaseIterable, which automatically provides a collection of all cases in the enum.

question swift September 8, 2024 How to convert only the first character to uppercase in a string in Swift?

In Swift, you can make the first character of a string uppercase by using built-in string manipulations or by extending the String type. Here’s an example of both approaches:

question swiftui swift September 7, 2024 How to apply mirroring to any SwiftUI view?

You can apply mirroring to a SwiftUI view by using the scaleEffect(x:y:anchor:) modifier to flip the view horizontally or vertically. Specifically, you can set the x or y scale to -1.0 to mirror the view along that axis.

question swiftui macos September 4, 2024 How to execute some code before app termination in a macOS app using SwiftUI?

To run some code before app termination in a macOS app using SwiftUI, the correct approach would involve placing the termination logic within a view, such as the ContentView. Here’s how you can do it:

question swiftui macos September 3, 2024 Two ways to open a window programmatically in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides an openWindow environment variable on macOS that allows you to open windows programmatically. Here’s how you can use it to open a new window when a button is clicked:

question swiftui macos September 3, 2024 How to open and close windows programmatically in SwiftUI?

To open or close a window programmatically from outside that window using environment variables, you need to leverage the new openWindow (macOS 13+) and dismissWindow (macOS 14+) environment variables. This environment variables allow you to programmatically open and close a window by its identifier.

question swiftui swift September 2, 2024 Combine in SwiftUI and how you can rewrite the same code using async await

Combine is Apple’s declarative framework for handling asynchronous events and data streams in Swift. Introduced in SwiftUI and iOS 13, Combine leverages reactive programming principles, allowing developers to process values over time and manage complex asynchronous workflows with clarity and efficiency.

question swiftui swift August 31, 2024 @StateObject vs @ObservedObject in SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, both @StateObject and @ObservedObject are property wrappers used to manage state in your views, specifically when working with objects that conform to the ObservableObject protocol. However, they serve slightly different purposes and have different use cases. Here’s a breakdown:

question swiftui swift August 31, 2024 @Published in SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, the @Published property wrapper is used in combination with the ObservableObject protocol to automatically announce changes to properties of a class. This allows SwiftUI views that depend on these properties to update automatically when the data changes.

question front-end javascript August 28, 2024 8 best Javascript libraries for building fast-changing tables

For handling fast-changing tables in JavaScript, you’ll want libraries that are optimized for performance, support real-time data updates, and are flexible enough to handle a wide range of use cases. Here are some of the best libraries:

question solidity hardhat August 22, 2024 How to specify the deployer in a Smart Contract deployment in Hardhat?

In Hardhat 6, deployment is done using the Ignition module, which introduces a declarative way to manage deployments. The process is different from the Hardhat 5 approach. With Ignition, you define your deployment logic using modules, which then handle the deployment of contracts. To specify which wallet to use for the deployment of your smart contract, you can follow the below steps.

question react front-end August 21, 2024 How to disable minification in a React app?

To disable minification in a React app created with create-react-app (CRA) using npm, you need to modify the build process. However, CRA does not directly expose Webpack configuration without ejecting, but you can still achieve this without ejecting by using the GENERATE_SOURCEMAP environment variable and a custom build script.

question docker infrastructure August 20, 2024 How to enter into a Docker container and run some commands even if it does not have bash?

If a Docker container does not have bash installed, you can still enter the container and run commands using other available shells or command-line interfaces. Here’s how to do it:

question docker infrastructure August 20, 2024 7 alternatives to Lazydocker

Lazydocker is a popular terminal UI for managing Docker containers, images, and volumes. While it provides a convenient way to interact with Docker, there are other tools that offer different features and functionalities that might be better suited depending on your needs. Here are some alternatives to Lazydocker:

question docker infrastructure August 20, 2024 21 Docker commands everyone should know

Docker is a popular containerization tool that allows you to package and run applications in isolated environments. Here are some basic Docker commands that will come in handy if you work with Docker on a daily basis, are looking for a refresher, or are preparing for an interview.

question ethereum blockchain August 20, 2024 Blockchain Hard Forks and Soft Forks

A hard fork is a significant update or change to a blockchain’s protocol that is not backward-compatible. This means that nodes running the old version of the software will not recognize the new version’s blocks as valid. Essentially, a hard fork results in a permanent divergence in the blockchain, creating two separate paths: one following the new protocol and the other following the old.

question ethereum blockchain August 20, 2024 14 most notable Ethereum Hard Forks

Ethereum has undergone several important hard forks since its inception, each implementing significant changes to the network. Here are some of the most important Ethereum hard forks:

question solidity ethereum August 18, 2024 When and why to omit names of function parameters in Solidity?

In Solidity, omitting the name of a function parameter does not have any effect on gas costs. The primary benefit is related to code clarity and development efficiency, rather than performance.

question solidity ethereum August 18, 2024 Error Handling in Solidity: Assert, Require, Revert, Exceptions, Try/Catch

Error handling in Solidity is a crucial aspect of writing secure and robust smart contracts. Solidity provides various mechanisms to handle errors and exceptions, ensuring that contracts behave predictably even when something goes wrong. The key components of error handling in Solidity include assert, require, revert, try/catch, and built-in error types like Error and Panic.

question solidity ethereum August 18, 2024 Different Data Types in Solidity and their default values

Solidity provides various data types, each with a specific purpose and behavior. When a variable is declared in Solidity but not explicitly initialized, it is assigned a default value depending on its type. Below is a comprehensive list of the different data types in Solidity along with their default values.

question solidity ethereum August 18, 2024 Assignment behavior between different Data Locations in Solidity

In Solidity, understanding data locations (storage, memory, and calldata) is crucial for both performance and ensuring that your code behaves as expected. Let’s break down what each of these data locations means, how assignments between them work, and how they behave for value types (like uint, bool) versus complex types (like arrays, structs).

question ethereum solidity August 17, 2024 What are the different ways to send ether to a smart contract in Ethereum?

In Solidity, there are several ways to send Ether to a smart contract. Each method serves different use cases and offers varying levels of control and flexibility. Here’s a summary of the different approaches:

question solidity ethereum August 17, 2024 Understanding call, delegatecall, and staticcall in Solidity with real-world analogy

Let’s break down call, delegatecall, and staticcall in Solidity using simple analogies and real-world examples.

question ethereum solidity August 17, 2024 How can you make a smart contract able to receive Ether in Solidity?

To make a smart contract able to receive Ether in Solidity, you need to implement specific functions and ensure that the contract is properly configured to accept incoming Ether transfers. Here’s how you can do it:

question solidity blockchain August 17, 2024 Different Types of Literal Values in Solidity

In Solidity, literals are values written directly in the code that represent constant values of various types. These literals are used to initialize variables, perform calculations, or directly interact with the contract logic. Here are the different types of literal values in Solidity:

question solidity blockchain August 17, 2024 Deleting an element from an array in Solidity

In Solidity, deleting an element from an array involves several considerations because Solidity arrays are either of fixed size or dynamic size, and their elements are stored in different data locations (storage, memory, calldata). Here’s how you can delete elements from arrays in different contexts:

question solidity blockchain August 16, 2024 What is the difference between internal and private functions, and when should you use each?

In Solidity, both internal and private functions are restricted to the contract they are defined in, but they differ in terms of inheritance and accessibility. Understanding these differences is important for implementing the right access control and ensuring proper encapsulation within your smart contracts.

question solidity blockchain August 16, 2024 What is the difference between external and public functions, and when should you use each?

In Solidity, both external and public functions can be called from outside a contract, but there are key differences in how they are used, accessed, and their gas efficiency. Understanding these differences is crucial for writing optimized and secure smart contracts.

question solidity blockchain August 16, 2024 Storage, memory, and calldata in Solidity, and when to use each?

In Solidity, understanding the differences between storage, memory, and calldata is crucial for efficient smart contract development. Each data location serves a different purpose and has its own characteristics, affecting gas costs and data persistence. Here’s a breakdown of each data location with practical examples highlighting when to use each.

question solidity blockchain August 16, 2024 Inheritance and Overriding in Solidity

In Solidity, overriding allows a derived (child) contract to modify or extend the behavior of functions defined in a base (parent) contract. This is a key feature in object-oriented programming and enables the implementation of polymorphism, where a child contract can provide a specific implementation of a function defined in the parent contract.

question solidity blockchain August 16, 2024 Dynamic arrays in Solidity

Dynamic arrays are those which don’t have a specified size at the time of declaration. For dynamic arrays in Solidity, you must use the push function to add elements to the array before you can access or modify their values. This is because, unlike fixed-size arrays, dynamic arrays do not have pre-allocated space, and their size is initially zero.

question solidity blockchain August 16, 2024 Data Types in Solidity and how to initialise each

In Solidity, variables can be categorized based on their data types, and each type has specific ways to initialize them. Here’s an overview of different variable types in Solidity and how to initialize them:

question typescript javascript August 11, 2024 What is module inside compilerOptions in tsconfig.json and what to use?

The module option inside compilerOptions in the tsconfig.json file of a TypeScript project specifies the module code generation system that the TypeScript compiler should use when emitting JavaScript. This option determines how the TypeScript code will be transformed into JavaScript modules, affecting how modules are loaded, interpreted, and linked in the resulting JavaScript code.

question blockchain ethereum August 10, 2024 How to get the chain id in Hardhat?

In a Hardhat project, obtaining the chain ID can be done in a few ways, depending on whether you want to retrieve it programmatically within a script or check it during your development process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get the chain ID in different scenarios:

question blockchain ethereum August 10, 2024 8 Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) everyone should know

Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) are standards specifying potential new features or processes for Ethereum. Here are some of the most common or widely used EIPs along with their descriptions and uses:

question typescript August 1, 2024 How to bubble up errors or exceptions from one method to another in Typescript?

In TypeScript, you can “bubble up” errors or exceptions from one method to another by allowing exceptions to propagate through the call stack. Here’s how you can achieve this with examples:

question typescript July 28, 2024 Interface vs Type alias in Typescript with some real-world examples showing when to use what

In TypeScript, both interface and type alias can be used to define the shape of an object. However, there are some differences and nuances between them. Here are the key differences:

question typescript July 28, 2024 How to pass a generic JSON object as a parameter to a method in TypeScript?

If you want to allow any JSON object without specifying its structure, you can use the object type, Record<string, any>, or simply any. However, each approach has its own implications for type safety and flexibility.

question typescript July 28, 2024 How to create a JSON Object in Typescript?

Creating a JSON object in TypeScript is similar to how you would create one in JavaScript. Here are the steps you can follow:

question nextjs front-end July 21, 2024 How to fix Next.js generating Open Graph images with localhost in the url?

This happens when you have not set the metadata properly. Just make sure you have set the metadataBase property like below:export const metadata = { metadataBase: new URL('https://rampatra.com'), // other configs}Learn more from the official docs.

question typescript July 20, 2024 How to filter an Array based on a condition in Typescript?

Filtering an array based on a condition in TypeScript is straightforward and similar to how you would do it in JavaScript. TypeScript adds type safety to the process, ensuring that your code is more robust and less error-prone.

question typescript July 20, 2024 How to filter a Map based on a condition in Typescript?

In TypeScript, you can filter a Map based on a condition using the Map’s built-in methods along with some of JavaScript’s array methods. Since Map is iterable, you can convert it to an array, apply the filter, and then convert it back to a Map. Here’s how you can do it:

question nextjs react July 19, 2024 How to get the current path in Next.js?

To get the current path in a Next.js application, you can use the usePathname hook from next/navigation module. This hook allows you to access the current pathname within your components. Here’s how you can use it:

question networking linux July 19, 2024 How to fetch the nameservers of a domain?

To get the nameservers of a domain, you can use the nslookup or dig command-line tools. Both are available on most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. On Windows, nslookup is available by default.

question nextjs react July 18, 2024 How to programmatically navigate to a page in Next.js?

In Next.js, you can programmatically navigate to different pages using the useRouter hook from the next/navigation module. This hook provides a convenient way to navigate between pages within your Next.js application. Below is an example demonstrating how to use the useRouter hook to programmatically navigate to another page.

question typescript javascript July 17, 2024 Difference between ?? and || in Typescript or Javascript?

In TypeScript (and JavaScript), the ?? (nullish coalescing operator) and || (logical OR operator) are both used to provide default values, but they behave differently in terms of the conditions under which they return the right-hand operand.

question linux July 15, 2024 20 most used Linux commands to troubleshoot issues

Using the below commands effectively allows for comprehensive troubleshooting and monitoring of a Linux system, helping to quickly identify and resolve issues.

question nextjs react July 11, 2024 How to set environment variable in a Nextjs App and when to use NEXT_PUBLIC prefix?

Setting environment variables in a Next.js app is straightforward. Next.js supports loading environment variables from .env files. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set and use environment variables in your Next.js application:

question nextjs react July 9, 2024 How to define an enum in Typescript and use it in a Next.js app?

Creating an enum in TypeScript within a Next.js project is straightforward. Enums in TypeScript allow you to define a set of named constants that can be used to represent a collection of related values. Here’s how you can create and use an enum in a Next.js application:

question nextjs react July 9, 2024 How to create global types in Typescript in a Next.js app?

The env.d.ts file is typically used for global type declarations, especially for environment variables and other globally available types. This file is automatically included in the TypeScript compilation if it’s referenced in tsconfig.json.

question nextjs react July 9, 2024 How to create custom types in Typescript in a Next.js app?

Declaring custom types in TypeScript for a Next.js application involves creating type definitions that can be used across your project to ensure type safety and better code management. Here are the steps to declare and use custom types in a Next.js app:

question networking as2 May 24, 2024 Basics of AS2 protocol with sample code to send and receive messages

AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a widely-used protocol for secure and reliable data exchange over the Internet. It’s particularly popular in business-to-business (B2B) transactions where security, authentication, and non-repudiation (the inability to deny having sent a message) are crucial. Here’s a breakdown of its basics along with some TypeScript code demonstrating sending and receiving messages with acknowledgment receipts.

question swiftui iOS April 2, 2024 How to open a second view from first view in iOS using SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, you can open another view (or navigate to another view) on the click of a button by utilizing navigation views and navigation links. Here’s a basic example of how to achieve this:

question swiftui iOS April 2, 2024 How to force an app or a view to open in landscape only mode in iOS using SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, you can force an app to open in landscape mode by configuring the supported interface orientations in your app’s target settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide to configuring interface orientations in Xcode:

question swiftui April 2, 2024 How to declare an array of Views in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, you can declare an array of View using the standard Swift array syntax. Here’s how you can do it:

question swiftui March 29, 2024 How to group different style modifiers and reuse them across multiple SwiftUI views?

In SwiftUI, you can create custom view modifiers to encapsulate common styling configurations and reuse them across different views. Here’s how you can create and reuse a custom view modifier:

question react front-end March 9, 2024 How to create css styles for specific components in React?

You can use React Context to manage styles for specific components or groups of components. It involves creating a context that provides style information to its consumer components. Here’s a more detailed explanation of how you can implement this approach:

question tailwindcss front-end February 23, 2024 How to create a generic Dialog component in TailwindCSS that takes in title, description, etc. as props?

If you want to create a separate, generic Dialog component where you can pass in the title and description as props, you can do so by defining a reusable Dialog component. You can even pass HTML content in the description of the Dialog component, you can do so by utilizing React’s dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute. Here’s how you can achieve this:

question react front-end February 19, 2024 How to smoothly scroll to a specific content or element in React?

To implement scrolling to a specific content or element on click in a React application, you can follow these steps:

question front-end tailwindcss February 17, 2024 How to center an element using Tailwind CSS?

In Tailwind CSS, you can center an element using flexbox utilities directly in your HTML markup. Here’s how you can center an element horizontally and vertically:

question nextjs react February 9, 2024 Main advantages of using the Link component in Next.js over Anchors and Buttons

The main advantage of using the Link component in Next.js for client-side navigation is its optimized prefetching behavior, which enhances the performance and user experience of your web application. Here’s a breakdown of the key advantages:

question nextjs react February 9, 2024 How to make an HTML button element behave like a Link component in Next.js?

In Next.js, you can use the Link component from next/link to create client-side navigation. However, if you want to use an HTML button element (<button>) to behave like a link, you can wrap it with the Link component. Here’s how you can do it:

question react front-end February 2, 2024 What's the use of useEffect hook in React?

In React, the useEffect hook is used to perform side effects in functional components. Side effects can include data fetching, subscriptions, manual DOM manipulations, and other operations that cannot be handled during the render phase.

question react front-end February 1, 2024 What's the use of key prop in Suspense component in React?

In React, the key prop is used to uniquely identify and track a set of elements during their life cycle. When used with the Suspense component, the key prop helps React keep track of suspended components and their associated data dependencies.

question swiftui macOS January 26, 2024 How to hide the title bar in a SwiftUI macOS app?

Let’s say you have a view named ContentView and your main App file looks like this:

January 26, 2024 Questions the Tester asks on your Practical Driving Test day in Ireland

Highlights of the entire Driving License process:

question front-end css January 3, 2024 What's the difference between SCSS and Sass?

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) and SCSS (Sassy CSS) are both preprocessors that extend the capabilities of standard CSS, allowing for variables, nested rules, mixins, and more. However, there’s a common misunderstanding about the differences between Sass and SCSS. They are not actually two different languages; rather, they are two different syntaxes for the same Sass preprocessor.